Total Medals Earned: 1,495 (From
242 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 21,650 Points
Defeat the boss
Buy all upgrades, including the jetpack
Earn 2500 points or more
Beat the boss without upgrading anything
The genie of the booze bottle.
I stole these icons from him :(
There is a hidden power...
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Feel the Bubba-Wrath!
Get totally pwnd by the Piggy
Be an easy target!
Come on, you can do better than this!
Feed your enemy a healthy snack!
You've done well my child
Even tough guys can run away
Save Theia!
The Heavens must have gifted you way too much
Meet the final boss
Fend off one enemy with the crate
Beat the game on easy difficulty
Beat the game on normal difficulty
Find the Throwing Knives!
Find the Power Glove!
Find the Treasure Key!
Find the Water Walk Boots!
Find the 1st Life Fruit!
Find the 2nd Life Fruit!
Reach the Treasure Chamber!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Finish the game without dying once
Finish the game without using a single Save Statue
Finish the Tadpole stage!
Clear the Lizard stage!
Clear the Dinosaur stage!
Clear the game!
Check the Credits Page!
Rest before you need to.
Beat the game with Beth.
Get a girl mad at you.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Reject the final offer (Polly)
Beat the game with Polly
Beat the game with Emmy
Bought the brick.
Beat the game with maximum (100) Piety.
Beat the game with maximum (100) respect.
Beat the game with maximum (100) charm.
Beat the game with all girls. (multiple playthroughs)
Beat the game without using the secret.
Get all of Dracula's artifacts by buying them.
Get all of Dracula's artifacts by digging.
Revealed all 3 girl's secrets in one playthrough.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Find your costume inspiration and escape your room.
Watch the entire beginning instructions sequence.
Grab your mom's rear to get the sweet jolly rancher.
How could you treat a beloved pet that way?
Discover the secret your parents have been hiding in the basement all these years.
Kill what dwells in the sewers.
Defeat Guybrush Threepwood in a battle of insults
Assemble all the pieces of your halloween costume.
Get rid of the giant spider to get the 1st bag of CADNY!
Watch the entire ending and all the credits.
Outsmart the redneck to get his moonshine.
Send Cerberus back to the firey pits of hell.
Outsmart Satan in a battle of wits!
Lose all 3 hearts in the battle with Satan.
Beat the game without dicing up the C.H.U.D.
Beat the game in under 15 minutes.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
You got killed by the Weebl
Talk to everyone at the party
You popped a cap in Weebl's ass
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Level 01 completed
Level 02 completed
Level 03 completed
Level 04 completed
Level 05 completed
Level 06 completed
Level 07 completed
Level 08 completed
Level 09 completed
Level 10 completed
Level 11 completed
Level 12 completed
Level 13 completed
Level 14 completed
Level 15 completed
Level 16 completed
Level 17 completed
Level 18 completed
Level 19 completed
Level 20 completed